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  • with Charity Hill

Stories for Strong Boys, With Dr. William Hamant

Everyone is happy to promote "girl power," aren't they? We love our daughters! and we did our own version of that theme in Episode 18: Stories for Strong Girls. But what about our boys?

Is there something distinctive about being a boy? Are boys and girls simply opposites? What is good about being a boy? Dr. William Hamant joins me to discuss what is positive and distinctive about masculinity. He reflects upon what masculinity reveals about what it means to be human. Dr. Hamant supports his insights with literature and poetry and wise experience.

You can listen to Stories for Strong Boys here on our website or through your favorite listening platform.

This booklist... PRINTABLE LIST of Best Books for Boys It is perhaps my best book list ever!

But I forgot to include two of my son's favorites, somehow, on the big list:

And somehow I forgot to include a very inspiring series, The Wingfeather Saga by Andrew Peterson.

I've become an Amazon affiliate in order to serve your book-buying needs better. That means I receive a small commission for the books you buy through these links. The giant book list I generated--see pdf above!--is chock full of links to the best books for your boys.

I encourage you to read the poetry quoted by Dr. William Hamant.

Literature really does shape our sons' thoughts and desires. And those thoughts and desires shape their actions and choices. Be unafraid to challenge and encourage your boys--this means you care. And this causes them to grow. Let's offer our boys excellent literature, literature that dares them to realize their identity by authentic human action.

Feel free to share this email and book list with a friend or teacher!

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